Farm Stuff

More Baby Goats!

Hello! Last night I got to more new baby goats!

Their father is Edward.

Here are the baby’s and their mom! They are both girls. We will need names for the mom and the baby’s as the mom’s current name is Goat Who Keeps Jumping The Fence and I think that is a too long name.

Can’t wait to see what names you come up with that’s it!

By JakeLewie10

I'm a 13 year old in central Ontario who raises goats. And helps his dad with our 100 head of cattle and around 55 pigs.

22 replies on “More Baby Goats!”

cool there the number one dairy goat breed but my goat herd started of of my dad’s 300 head dairy goat herd although I only owe 12 right now. But I prefer boer goats which is a very popular meat breed.

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Cream, Daisy, Snowball, Milky Way, Brownie, Cuddles, Fluffy, Faun, Hazel, Summer, Magic, Ringo, Domino, Smokey.

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