
RPC Science 5 Lesson 70

Hello! Today Mr.Fish wanted me to write about what I learned today!

So first I learned that painting is harder than it looks.

I then learned that practice makes perfect and that even though something goes wrong you can still fix it by painting on top of the mistake. I don’t have any paintings to show today because on my first painting we had a little accident with some paint but we one going to let it dry, then repaint it and it will be as good as new!

My sister olivia always enjoys painting with me in science and here is her painting:

Olivia one of my younger sisters does really good at things like this and my ultimate painting goal is to become better than her but that might take a while then end!


I’m Proud To Say….

That I have officially bought my first tractors! My Farmall SW4 that I am going to restore and my W4 that I’ll use for parts!

Here is some pictures of them!

My Farmall SW4 is so old that it has a belt! Before PTO’s where invented the used leather belts to do task that most PTO’s would do today. My SW4 also has a PTO so that probably means it was manufactured during the first few years of PTO and through the last few years a Belts.

That’s it!

History Schoolwork

RPC History 5 Lesson 115

Hello! Here is what Mr.Livingston wanted me to do today: Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

I learned about the mercury barometer, the vacuum pump, pendulum clock and Robert Boyle.

The mercury barometer. The mercury barometer was invented around 17th century in Pisa, Italy. The creator of the mercury barometer Evangelista Torricelli, was Galileo Galilei’s apprentice the year before he died. The air from the atmosphere lets out Mercury into a bowl the more mercury in the bowl the more atmosphere. It was important so that scientist and forecaster’s can tell if a major natural disaster is coming.

The vacuum pump. Otto Von Guericke invented the vacuum pump around the 17th century somewhere in Greece. The Vacuum pump removes air and liquid from a place and move it to somewhere else. The Vacuum pump is important because it removes water from mines so miners don’t drown.

Around the 17th century Christiaan Huygens invented the pendulum clock in the Netherlands. The pendulum clock was so important back in it’s day because it was the most accurate clock around in it’s time. The pendulum clock use what most clocks used to function but it’s got a weight which makes minutes go slower which makes them more accurate and if you remove weight goes faster.

Robert Boyle was born sometime in the 17th century in England a few years after the 30 year war. He is important because he was a big part of the invisible college which became the Royal academy which still exists today and has done quite a few cool things! like he discovered Atoms while teaching there and studying.

And that’s it!

History Schoolwork

RPC History Lesson 110

Hello! Here is what mr.Livingston told me to do today: Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

The four inventions I learned about (and one inventor) are : the Mersenne’s laws, the Cartesian Coordinates, the Mechanical calculator, and Blaise Pascal.

Mersenne’s laws are laws describing the frequency of oscillation of a stretched string or monochord, useful in musical tuning and musical instrument construction. The equation was first proposed by French mathematician and music theorist Marin Mersenne in his 1637 work Traité de l’harmonie universelle.

The coordinate system we commonly use is called the Cartesian system, after the French mathematician René Descartes (1596-1650), who developed it in the 17th century. Legend has it that Descartes, who liked to stay in bed until late, was watching a fly on the ceiling from his bed!

The 17th century marked the beginning of the history of mechanical calculators, as it saw the invention of its first machines, including Pascal’s calculator, in 1642. Blaise Pascal had invented a machine which he presented as being able to perform computations that were previously thought to be only humanly possible.

Blaise Pascal was a French philosopher, mathematician, scientist, inventor, and theologian. In mathematics, he was an early pioneer in the fields of game theory and probability theory. In philosophy he was an early pioneer in existentialism. As a writer on theology and religion he was a defender of Christianity.

And that’s it!

History Schoolwork

RPC History Lesson 105

Hello! Here is what Mr.Livingston wanted me to do today: Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history.

So here is the essay!

I learned about Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, The Slide Rule, and John Napier.

Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571, in Weil der Stadt, Württemberg, in the Holy Roman Empire of German Nationality. He was a sickly child and his parents were poor. But his evident intelligence earned him a scholarship to the University of Tübingen to study for the Lutheran ministry. He became very interested in astronomy when his professor encouraged him.

Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa in 1564, the first of six children of Vincenzo Galilei, a musician and scholar. In 1581 he entered the University of Pisa at age 16 to study medicine, but was soon sidetracked by mathematics. He left without finishing his degree. Galileo was best known for all of his time spent through a telescope that caused him to make plenty of discoveries. Like he discovered the moons orbiting Jupiter.

The slide rule was invented around 1620–1630, shortly after John Napier’s publication of the concept of the logarithm. In 1620 Edmund Gunter of Oxford developed a calculating device with a single logarithmic scale; with additional measuring tools it could be used to multiply and divide.

John Napier, Napier also spelled Neper, born 1550, Merchiston Castle, near Edinburgh, Scotland died April 4, 1617, Merchiston Castle, Scottish mathematician and theological writer who originated the concept of logarithms as a mathematical device to aid in calculations. logarithms also spared a lot of time to people who used this invention to multiply.

That’s it!

English Schoolwork


Hello! Here is what Mrs.Fish wants me to do today: Writing Assignment: Write one paragraph on the following topic: What is your dream job? Here is the essay!

My dream job is to be worlds biggest farmer, and Ièm already on course as I just bought my first tractor a Farmall SW4 and a W4 to go with for parts. Worlds biggest farm is 22,500,000 acres which is the Mudanjiang City Mega Farm in Heilongjiang, China. Canada is 89 million acres and to be worlds biggest farm but live in canada still i’d rather need to move to Alberta, or south Ontario as where I live right now is in northern Ontario there is to many rocks and big forest with a lot of rocks so it would cost of fortune to buy the land let alone clearing it. So it would be better to move down south or to Alberta where some of my other family lives to be worlds biggest farm.

Worlds biggest tractor is the Big Bud 747 at 1100HP but by the time I own worlds biggest farm il be dead, or everything will be run by robots unless you stick to the tractors of today and the past. My dads biggest tractor ever was the Kubota M110X at 110 horsepower, my grandpas biggest tractor he ever owned was the Massey Ferguson 7490 at 140HP, and my uncle Jerry’s biggest tractor is a CASE IH STX 480 wich has 480 horsepower.

Here are some pictures of the tractors I mentioned.

Kubota M110X
Massey Ferguson 7490

Here is some pictures of random tractors:

That’s it!