Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 6 Lesson 56

Howdy Here is today’s essay!

Today in science I started the agronomy (Farming) part of the course and it was a review of a lot of things because I’m a farmer and I think I watch a little to much YouTube in my spear time! But one thing I did learn about was sea salt farming!

So basically they let the water from the pacific ocean enter a bay then they go into thin pound to become crystalized then once they are ready. They use a road grader to make windrows just like a hay rake and then they harvest it with a neat machine!

Then since some of you may not no this (I know I do) Louisiana is the number one rice producer in the US.

Here is an older chart of things grown in Canada.

Wheat | The Canadian Encyclopedia

Then here is an inaccurate one of wheat production in Canada. There are a lot more wheat farms than that we live about a inch on a computer north from where the wheat ends and it still get’s produced further. It’s fairly inaccurate. But in the top provinces there is no where to farm there so the northern part is accurate. and we produce more than 1,000 bushels of wheat in our community.

Canada's Wheat Production change by Years - North America FarmQuip Magazine

Here is a corn production chart in the us.

US Crops – Where Are They Grown? |

And that’s it for today folks!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 6 lesson 40

Hello! So Mr. Dignam wanted me to write a 150 word essay on Roses and I need to find three variety’s that can be grown in my state (for me Province) but yeah.

So the first type of Roses is white and it’s called the Eden Climber, my second one is Yellow and its called the Graham Thomas, and third is the Pink nock out which is obviously pink.

So Roses also have a special meaning to their color like red ones represent love yellow represents friendship, pink means Gratitude, and last White means Purity.

Turns out there is an actual Rose fair that goes on every three years in the U.S. to see who can grow the best rose. In my mind I picture this event as a bunch of grandmas that look like Queen Elizabeth dressed in fancy clothes showing of there Roses.

The End!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 6 Lesson 35


First of all today I learned that the national tree of Ontario (my province I live in) is the Eastern White Pine. And I already new this but Ontario’s provincial follower is the Trillium.

Then I also learned that if you trap a mouse in a bottle and close the lid but with live plants in there and have a good sun bean going towards the plants the mouse will live!

Then I learned that apparently celery is a fruit!?!?!

And that is it for today!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 6 Lesson 30

Howdy! Here’s what I learned about today.

So first of all I learned about fossils, I learned how there formed, and how long it takes which is a few 10 thousand years. A fossil is first formed when a animal gets caught in a flood then get trapped in to sediment rocks and awaits to be found in a few ten thousand years.

I then learned about dinosaurs and some little things like for example I thought all dinosaurs are huge but according to Mr. Dignam the average dinosaur is the size of a lamb.

I then learned about the sediment layers at the grand canyon and how six of them almost go completely across the US.

The end!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 6 Lesson 25

Heidi ho! Here is what I learned today.

So to start of with I learned more about volcanoes like MT ST Hellen which had one of the biggest explosions of all time in north America.

I also learned about super volcanoes which are basically the next level of volcanoes. For example there is one in Italy.

I then learned about ice climbing and anyways I learned three different ways to rescue someone that falls in a crevasse but I don’t think ill ever need to do something like that but you never know.

And that is the end for this lesson!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 6 Lesson 20

Hello! Here is what I learned in science today.

So first of all I learned more about topographic maps like how to design one and laser print one.

I also learned a bit about the center of the earth and how it works also why there are all of these strange things inside of it like mammoth mushrooms, underground oceans and salt beds.

Somethin Ordinary: 2009

I also learned about how the earth moves so that’s why over the course of year the land separated to create continents. I also learned how volcanoes eruption cycles work.

And that is the end of this lesson!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 6 Lesson 15

Howdy! It’s been a while since ive posted but since then we got a new four-wheeler, put a grill fender on the M110X and got two little baby goats! The four-wheeler is a 2021 Polaris Sportsman 450.

Anyways, for this time Mr. Dignam wants me to do a rock report so first of all I found it in our driveway. and it is the metamorphic version of granite called Gneiss (nice). So a metamorphic rock is formed when being in major heat close to lava, or being in high pressure which is what I think my case is. My rock is black with some shiny dots and some gray. is is layered in a ribbon like pattern. My driveway is located somewhere in west Nippising Ontario.

Since my report is to short ill do a second rock and maybe a third one.

So my second rock is Igneous and was found in the driveway again it is Pumice rock which is completely gray and has little gas bubbles. A Igneous rock is a rock that is formed after lava solidifies. there are no volcanos in Ontario so I don’t know how in the world this rock got here but oh well.

My third one here is Limestone if you go to Manitouland island Limestone is all over the place! This one is a Sediment rock so after being really packed down and Igneous rock turns into a Sediment rock. It is grey with some brownish yellow on it also.

here is a rocks lifecycle chain (rocks are not living beings) So first they are lava then as they solidify they become an Igneous rock then get compacted down into the soil and then get really hot to become a Metamorphic rock then gets melted back to lava and the chain restarts all over a again or the sediment rock get in high pressure rock and becomes a metamorphic rock and lives on.

The end!

Public Speaking Schoolwork

RPC Public Speaking 9 Lesson 30

Howdy! Here is what I learned in public speaking!

I learned that by looking at the audience your speech will be more appealing like I was doing a little on lesson 25.

I also learned that my background is very important so that’s why I used my tractor collection shelf as my background.

I also learned that I should not wear my barn clothes for my speeches. And I learned that when I was moving my arms around when I was talking that’s supposed to make the speech more interesting. Here is a funny story: Once I was talking to my grandpa and I had a bowl of trail mix and I kind of forgot I was holding the bowl but anyways I pointed my arm towards my tractor and all of my trail mix went flying out!

And that is the end for today!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Grade 6 Science Lesson 5!

Hello! Today is my first lesson on grade six science and just happens to be about minerals and I just so happen to have a mineral collection, anyways here’s what I learned!

So first of all I learned that you can measure weight of a mineral by density. So for example if I have a rubber ball and a ball of Iron that are the same size since the Iron is more dense it weights more. I then learned that diamonds form differently according to temperature. In colder areas Diamonds tend to grow like a squares and in warmer areas it grows as the shape we now called diamond. I then learned that granite is actually multiple minerals like mica. Next I discovered that there is a strength class for minerals and iron is a 6.5 which is fairly strong.

That’s it for today!

Public Speaking Schoolwork

RPC Public Speaking Lesson 25

Heidi Ho good viewers! To end my streak of not doing public speaking for almost a year here is my video:

The video is about New tractors versus old ones but don’t ignore it right away because there are some politics in it and global warming stuff for does of you who aren’t in to tractors.