History Schoolwork

RPC History 5 Lesson 115

Hello! Here is what Mr.Livingston wanted me to do today: Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

I learned about the mercury barometer, the vacuum pump, pendulum clock and Robert Boyle.

The mercury barometer. The mercury barometer was invented around 17th century in Pisa, Italy. The creator of the mercury barometer Evangelista Torricelli, was Galileo Galilei’s apprentice the year before he died. The air from the atmosphere lets out Mercury into a bowl the more mercury in the bowl the more atmosphere. It was important so that scientist and forecaster’s can tell if a major natural disaster is coming.

The vacuum pump. Otto Von Guericke invented the vacuum pump around the 17th century somewhere in Greece. The Vacuum pump removes air and liquid from a place and move it to somewhere else. The Vacuum pump is important because it removes water from mines so miners don’t drown.

Around the 17th century Christiaan Huygens invented the pendulum clock in the Netherlands. The pendulum clock was so important back in it’s day because it was the most accurate clock around in it’s time. The pendulum clock use what most clocks used to function but it’s got a weight which makes minutes go slower which makes them more accurate and if you remove weight goes faster.

Robert Boyle was born sometime in the 17th century in England a few years after the 30 year war. He is important because he was a big part of the invisible college which became the Royal academy which still exists today and has done quite a few cool things! like he discovered Atoms while teaching there and studying.

And that’s it!

History Schoolwork

RPC History Lesson 110

Hello! Here is what mr.Livingston told me to do today: Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

The four inventions I learned about (and one inventor) are : the Mersenne’s laws, the Cartesian Coordinates, the Mechanical calculator, and Blaise Pascal.

Mersenne’s laws are laws describing the frequency of oscillation of a stretched string or monochord, useful in musical tuning and musical instrument construction. The equation was first proposed by French mathematician and music theorist Marin Mersenne in his 1637 work Traité de l’harmonie universelle.

The coordinate system we commonly use is called the Cartesian system, after the French mathematician René Descartes (1596-1650), who developed it in the 17th century. Legend has it that Descartes, who liked to stay in bed until late, was watching a fly on the ceiling from his bed!

The 17th century marked the beginning of the history of mechanical calculators, as it saw the invention of its first machines, including Pascal’s calculator, in 1642. Blaise Pascal had invented a machine which he presented as being able to perform computations that were previously thought to be only humanly possible.

Blaise Pascal was a French philosopher, mathematician, scientist, inventor, and theologian. In mathematics, he was an early pioneer in the fields of game theory and probability theory. In philosophy he was an early pioneer in existentialism. As a writer on theology and religion he was a defender of Christianity.

And that’s it!

History Schoolwork

RPC History Lesson 105

Hello! Here is what Mr.Livingston wanted me to do today: Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history.

So here is the essay!

I learned about Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, The Slide Rule, and John Napier.

Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571, in Weil der Stadt, Württemberg, in the Holy Roman Empire of German Nationality. He was a sickly child and his parents were poor. But his evident intelligence earned him a scholarship to the University of Tübingen to study for the Lutheran ministry. He became very interested in astronomy when his professor encouraged him.

Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa in 1564, the first of six children of Vincenzo Galilei, a musician and scholar. In 1581 he entered the University of Pisa at age 16 to study medicine, but was soon sidetracked by mathematics. He left without finishing his degree. Galileo was best known for all of his time spent through a telescope that caused him to make plenty of discoveries. Like he discovered the moons orbiting Jupiter.

The slide rule was invented around 1620–1630, shortly after John Napier’s publication of the concept of the logarithm. In 1620 Edmund Gunter of Oxford developed a calculating device with a single logarithmic scale; with additional measuring tools it could be used to multiply and divide.

John Napier, Napier also spelled Neper, born 1550, Merchiston Castle, near Edinburgh, Scotland died April 4, 1617, Merchiston Castle, Scottish mathematician and theological writer who originated the concept of logarithms as a mathematical device to aid in calculations. logarithms also spared a lot of time to people who used this invention to multiply.

That’s it!

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 Lesson 100

Hello! Today Mr.Livingston wanted me to do this: Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

The three inventions and one inventor I learned about where: The Compound Microscope, William Gilbert, The Newspaper, and the Telescope.

The Compound Microscope. Sometime about the year 1590, two Dutch spectacle makers, Zaccharias Janssen and his father Hans started experimenting with these lenses. They put several lenses in a tube and made a very important discovery. … They had just invented the compound microscope (which is a microscope that uses two or more lenses).

William Gilbert. William Gilbert (1544-1603) was an English scientist and physician who is credited by many as the “father of electricity and magnetism”. Born on May 24, 1544 into an affluent family in Colchester, Essex, Gilbert attended Cambridge University where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in 1561.

The Newspaper. Newspapers Worldwide. One of the earliest publications that could be described as a daily newspaper appeared in Rome around 69 B.C. It was a primitive news sheet called Acta Diurna (acts of the day) and described the activities of the Roman Senate. Another early newspaper appeared in the Germanic states of the 1500s.

The Telescope.

The telescope was first patented in 1608 Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey (or Lipperhey) is widely credited as the first person to patent a telescope in 1608. His device, called a kijker (“looker”), was, according to Hans, able to magnify an image up to three times.

That’s it!

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 Lesson 95

Hello! This Mr.Livinston assigned me to do this: Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why .

  1. The Mercator Projection Map. The Mercator projection was originally developed in 1569 by the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator. At this time, many of Europe’s top cartographers and explorers used elliptical projections derived from Ptolemy’s latitude and longitude grid.
  2. Gerardus Mercator. Gerardus Mercator, original name Gerard De Cremer, or Kremer?, (born March 5, 1512, Rupelmonde, Flanders [now in Belgium]—died December 2, 1594, Duisburg, Duchy of Cleve [Germany]), Flemish cartographer whose most important innovation was a map, embodying what was later known as the Mercator projection.
  3. Tycho Brahe. Tycho Brahe, (born December 14, 1546, Knudstrup, Scania, Denmark—died October 24, 1601, Prague), Danish astronomer whose work in developing astronomical instruments and in measuring and fixing the positions of stars paved the way for future discoveries.
  4. The Backstaff. Backstaff is the name given to any instrument that measures the altitude of the sun by the projection of a shadow. Invented by John Davis in the 16th century, it became a useful tool for navigators at sea. The backstaff was a navigational tool that measured altitude using the sun.

My favorite was probably Gerardus Mercator because his name sound very familiar to my pepere’s name (pepere is grandpa in french). My pepere’s name is Gerard but the adults call him Jerry. My pepere is very funny and always makes jokes. Now pepere and me go to Sudbury (where the big Nickel is) and deliver the Click fork orders for my mom and we always have tons of fun. My mom business is an online farmers market that is basted for north-east of ontario. It’s technically our farms side business that lets us add an S to Dalew FarmS.

That’s it!

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 L90

Hello! Here is my essay from Mr.Livingston: Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

The four inventors and inventions I learned about this week are: The Heliocentric Theory in lesson 86,
in Lesson 87 I learned about Nicolaus Copernicus,
in Lesson 88I learned about the great Andreas Vesalius,
and in Lesson 89 I probably learned about one of the greatest inventions of all time the pencil.

The Heliocentric Theory. In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus detailed his radical theory of the Universe in which the Earth, along with the other planets, rotated around the Sun. … Galileo discovered evidence to support Copernicus’ heliocentric theory when he observed four moons in orbit around Jupiter.

Nicolaus Copernicus. Polish astronomer Copernicus is born. On February 19, 1473, Nicolaus Copernicus is born in Torun, a city in north-central Poland on the Vistula River. The father of modern astronomy, he was the first modern European scientist to propose that Earth and other planets revolve around the sun.

Andreas Vesalius. Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) Andreas Vesalius was born on 31 December 1514 in Brussels, Belgium, then part of the Holy Roman Empire. He came from a family of physicians and both his father and grandfather had served the holy Roman emperor.

The Pencil. The modern pencil was invented in 1795 by Nicholas-Jacques Conte, a scientist serving in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. The magic material that was so appropriate for the purpose was the form of pure carbon that we call graphite.

That’s it hope you enjoyed!

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 L85

Hello! Here is my assignment from Mr.Livingston: Summarize each of the inventions and inventors you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

I learned about the Mariner’s Astrolabe, The Double Entry Bookkeeping, Luca Pacioli, and Leonardo Da Vinci.

The Mariner’s Astrolabe. The mariner’s astrolabe was an navigation tool used for taking the altitude of the sun or stars. Its history dates as far back as the Ancient Period and into Medieval Period. Its name means “to take a star” or “star taker.” The mariner’s astrolabe was the preferred instrument for more than 200 years.

Double Entry Bookkeeping. Double entry bookkeeping system first invented in Italy by a church father who’s named Luca Bartolomes Pacioli. He was the mathematician and contemporary of Leonardo Da Vinci. He wrote a book which name was “Summa de Arithmetica, geometry, proportions et proportionalità”. This book called Accounting bible.

Luca Pacioli. Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli (sometimes Paccioli or Paciolo; c. 1447 – 19 June 1517) was an Italian mathematician, Franciscan friar, collaborator with Leonardo da Vinci, and an early contributor to the field now known as accounting.

Leonardo Da Vinci this inventor was my favorite out of the four inventions I learned about this week because I like his name and he has a nice goatee. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was born in Anchiano, Tuscany (now Italy), close to the town of Vinci that provided the surname we associate with him today. In his own time he was known just as Leonardo or as “Il Florentine,” since he lived near Florence and was famed as an artist, inventor and thinker.

And that’s it for this essay!

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 Lesson 80

Hello! Here is my assignment from Mr.Livingston Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

The Four inventions I learned about where Chess, The Erebus, The Printing Press, and the Mainspring.

Chess. The history of chess goes back almost 1500 years. The game originated in northern India in the 6th century AD and spread to Persia. When the Arabs conquered Persia, chess was taken up by the Muslim world and subsequently, through the Moorish conquest of Spain, spread to Southern Europe.

The Erebus. HMS Erebus was built by the Royal Navy in Pembroke Dockyard, Wales in 1826. When her career as a bomb vessel came to an end, Terror became a ship of exploration. She ventured north to the Arctic in 1836, under the command of George Back, where she suffered heavy ice damage in the aptly-named Frozen Strait.

The Printing Press. Goldsmith and inventor Johannes Gutenberg was a political exile from Mainz, Germany when he began experimenting with printing in Strasbourg, France in 1440. He returned to Mainz several years later and by 1450, had a printing machine perfected and ready to use commercially: The Gutenberg press.

The Mainspring. Mainsprings appeared in the first spring-powered clocks, in 15th-century Europe. It replaced the weight hanging from a cord wrapped around a pulley, which was the power source used in all previous mechanical clocks. Around 1400 coiled springs began to be used in locks, and many early clockmakers were also locksmiths.

And that’s it hope you enjoyed!

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 Lesson 75

Hello! My assignment from Mr.Livinstong is to suceriez each invention I learned about in this week.

The four inventions I learned about are The Spurs, Englist Longbow, Blast Furnace, and Plate Armour.

One Thing I can tell you about this week in History was that it had a lot to do with military so let’s get started!

Spurs. The revolving rowel used in modern western spurs probably originated in France. A roweled spur was shown upon the Seal of Henry III of England who lived from 1207 to 1272. … During the age of chivalry, spurs became an emblem of rank. Gold or gilded spurs were only worn by knights or royalty.

The English Longbow. The English longbow was a powerful medieval type of longbow (a tall bow for archery) about 6 ft (1.8 m) long used by the English and Welsh for hunting and as a weapon in warfare. … More than 3,500 arrows and 137 whole longbows were recovered from the Mary Rose, a ship of Henry VIII’s navy that sank at Portsmouth in 1545.

Blast Furnace.

Cast iron has been found in China dating to the 5th century BC, but the earliest extant blast furnaces in China date to the 1st century AD and in the West from the High Middle Ages. They spread from the region around Namur in Wallonia (Belgium) in the late 15th century, being introduced to England in 1491.

Plate Armour. At first I was wondering armour made out of plates but then when I watched the video it made sence. While there are early predecessors such as the Roman-era lorica segmentata, full plate armour developed in Europe during the Late Middle Ages, especially in the context of the Hundred Years’ War, from the coat of plates worn over mail suits during the 14th century.

And that’s it for this essay!

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 Lesson 70

Hello! Here is my assignment from Mr.Livingston! Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

I learned about the Spectacles, mechanical clocks, paper mills, and Robert Grosseteste.

Spectacles. The first inventor of wearable glasses is unknown. However, the Romans first discovered the ability to use to glass to enhance their ability to see small text, creating small magnifying glasses with spheres. The first wearable glasses known to history appeared in Italy during the 13th century which were known as spectacles which also mean crowd in french.

The Mechanical Clock. The first mechanical clocks, employing the verge escapement mechanism with a foliot or balance wheel timekeeper, were invented in Europe at around the start of the 14th century, and became the standard timekeeping device until the pendulum clock was invented in 1656. Which I thought would of been way older than that.

Paper Mills. A paper mill is a factory devoted to making paper from vegetable fibres such as wood pulp, old rags, and other ingredients. Prior to the invention and adoption of the Fourdrinier machine and other types of paper machine that use an endless belt, all paper in a paper mill was made by hand, one sheet at a time, by specialized laborers.

Robert Grosseteste. Grosseteste was born into a humble Anglo-Norman family in the county of Suffolk in England. He first appears in the historical record as a witness to a charter of the Bishop of Lincoln, written between 1189 and 1192. His title of master of arts indicates that he had acquired sufficient learning to be entitled to teach. And know I ask myself another question. Did the sheep breed Suffolk get named after the county of suffolk?

And that’s it!