English Schoolwork

RPC ENG L40 (Final Draft)

Hello! Here is my assignment from Mrs.Fish What is something that you were scared to try, but you tried it anyway and were glad that you did?

Once on one of my vacations in Ottawa’s Calypso water park and I wanted to go on the biggest slide with my uncle and mom. But then the life guard said less heavy has to go in the front of the tube and so I did it and it was very fun! But what I was really scared of was losing another goat. Because my pet goat Ernest (2017-2018) had died when we had left to go on vacation once during the winter. But I’m glad I did go! Because there was this congo water roller coaster where you would sit in a tube and the water would push you in a course it was very fun! One more thing I was scared to try was the cold toilet you would slid into a hole that looked like a toilet and then you would go into the hole then into some cold water. But the reason I was scared of that slide was because they said cover your next just in case you hurt yourself going down the hole because the guy before me pack flipped into the hole and almost hit his head against the edge of the hole. But I’m glad I tried all of those things because I had fun and got to see my little cousin when he was a baby!

And that’s it hope you enjoyed!

Schoolwork Science Uncategorized

RPC Science 5 L50

Hello! This week in science I learned some basic sketching stuff like shading and accuracy. I watched five videos on that subject then I also learned about making 3d objects like a cup or a house. I also learned how drawing can be expensive and you need all of these things that can be expensive like a modeling clay eraser is a little weird to me. There is even plastic erasers how do they even work? There also all of these different tools that don’t make sense to me drawing is way more complicated than I remember it being That’s my summary for this lesson.

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 Lesson 80

Hello! Here is my assignment from Mr.Livingston Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

The Four inventions I learned about where Chess, The Erebus, The Printing Press, and the Mainspring.

Chess. The history of chess goes back almost 1500 years. The game originated in northern India in the 6th century AD and spread to Persia. When the Arabs conquered Persia, chess was taken up by the Muslim world and subsequently, through the Moorish conquest of Spain, spread to Southern Europe.

The Erebus. HMS Erebus was built by the Royal Navy in Pembroke Dockyard, Wales in 1826. When her career as a bomb vessel came to an end, Terror became a ship of exploration. She ventured north to the Arctic in 1836, under the command of George Back, where she suffered heavy ice damage in the aptly-named Frozen Strait.

The Printing Press. Goldsmith and inventor Johannes Gutenberg was a political exile from Mainz, Germany when he began experimenting with printing in Strasbourg, France in 1440. He returned to Mainz several years later and by 1450, had a printing machine perfected and ready to use commercially: The Gutenberg press.

The Mainspring. Mainsprings appeared in the first spring-powered clocks, in 15th-century Europe. It replaced the weight hanging from a cord wrapped around a pulley, which was the power source used in all previous mechanical clocks. Around 1400 coiled springs began to be used in locks, and many early clockmakers were also locksmiths.

And that’s it hope you enjoyed!

Dad essays

My Purposed Homeschool Plan For The Summer

Hello! Last day my dad once again had an essay for me to do which I would have to write my summer vacation plan.

Here is June’s schedule.

All days have homeschool except 15, 21,23,28, and 30 plus weekends.


9,10,16,17,21,23,29,30, and 31 plus weekends are all non school days.


2,7,9,14,15,16,17,20,21,22,23,24,27,28,29 and weekends are all non school days.


2,3,6 are no school days plus weekends and then our school schedule goes back to normal

And that’s it!

Dad essays

The Netherlands

Hello! Today as a dad essay I will be writing about the Netherlands! To start with you need to know where netherlands is. The Little red dot is the Netherlands.

And this is just the NetherLands.

Here is some background on why I decided to do this geography project on the Netherlands. My grandma’s family is is from Holland/NetherLands They were called the Zwep’s pronounced Zwepe. My grandma is noot from Holland but her parents where. I did not get to meet great grandpa Zwep but I was able to meet Great Grandma Zwep when I was a baby. My grandma has three brothers and one sister . 1 Uncle Jerry, 2 Uncle Harry, 3 Uncle George and Aunt Atje . I don’t know their birth order but I’m pretty sure Uncle Jerry was the youngest.

No let’s get back to the actual subject. In Holland they speak Dutch, The three words in Dutch I know are: hallo/hello, licor/delicious, and doei/bye.

Here are their top 5 traditions

Sinterklaas. One traditional festivity in the Netherlands is the feast of Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas (Dutch pronunciation:  or Sint-Nicolaas (Dutch pronunciation:  is a legendary figure based on Saint Nicholas, patron saint of children. Other names for the figure include De Sint (“The Saint”), De Goede Sint (“The Good Saint”), and De Goedheiligman (“The Good Holy Man”) in Dutch; Saint Nicolas in French; Sinteklaas in West Frisian; Sinterklaos in Limburgs; Saint-Nikloi in West Flemish; Kleeschen and Zinniklos in Luxembourgish; Sankt Nikolaus or Nikolaus in German; and Sint Nicholas in Afrikaans.

Christmas. Among the Dutch, Christmas (which lasts two days) is a time of togetherness.

New Year.

And Easter.

If I had to go to 3 Places in Europe I would go to Holland, England and Sweden. I also have family from England but this project is on the Netherland not England and tractors I’ve already got of track enough times.

Mennonites, Mennonites come from the Netherlands. Here is a chart of where they can be found and how many there where in 2019.

North America: 672,000

Latin America and Caribbean: 270,000

Europe: 63,000

Africa: 735,000

Asia and Pacific: 420,000

Africa Has the most Mennonites. All together there is a total of 2160000 all over the world.

All though my number 1 favorite brand is Kubota I have a top five list of my favorite tractor brands.

  1. Kubota
  2. Case IH
  3. Versatile
  4. Challenger
  5. Massey Fergusson

My family has had a great liking with Massey Ferguson almost every farmer family member I can think of had or has a Massey Ferguson. We had two older Masseys. Uncle Jerry’s has one. Grandpa had many over the course of his farming career. Actually one of our Massey’s used to be grandpa’s.

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 Lesson 75

Hello! My assignment from Mr.Livinstong is to suceriez each invention I learned about in this week.

The four inventions I learned about are The Spurs, Englist Longbow, Blast Furnace, and Plate Armour.

One Thing I can tell you about this week in History was that it had a lot to do with military so let’s get started!

Spurs. The revolving rowel used in modern western spurs probably originated in France. A roweled spur was shown upon the Seal of Henry III of England who lived from 1207 to 1272. … During the age of chivalry, spurs became an emblem of rank. Gold or gilded spurs were only worn by knights or royalty.

The English Longbow. The English longbow was a powerful medieval type of longbow (a tall bow for archery) about 6 ft (1.8 m) long used by the English and Welsh for hunting and as a weapon in warfare. … More than 3,500 arrows and 137 whole longbows were recovered from the Mary Rose, a ship of Henry VIII’s navy that sank at Portsmouth in 1545.

Blast Furnace.

Cast iron has been found in China dating to the 5th century BC, but the earliest extant blast furnaces in China date to the 1st century AD and in the West from the High Middle Ages. They spread from the region around Namur in Wallonia (Belgium) in the late 15th century, being introduced to England in 1491.

Plate Armour. At first I was wondering armour made out of plates but then when I watched the video it made sence. While there are early predecessors such as the Roman-era lorica segmentata, full plate armour developed in Europe during the Late Middle Ages, especially in the context of the Hundred Years’ War, from the coat of plates worn over mail suits during the 14th century.

And that’s it for this essay!

Dad essays Tractors!

The History of Case IH

Hello! Today I will Be writing about the history of the Case IH tractor brand!

Case IH

Case IH has been in business for over 175 years know and there is a lot of history behind them.


Before Case IH existed there was only Case. The colors of the original tractor was orange and white lucky I have a case model tractor that I use for forage harvesting.

Mine is not in the best condition but I have had it for quite a while. Here is some history of the founder of Case.

Case’s Founder

Jerome Increase Case (1819–1891) was born to a Williamstown, New York farming family. As a young child, Case read about a machine that could cut wheat without people needing to use their hands. He developed an interest in agriculture at that point.Case took small, hand-powered threshing machines to Wisconsin in 1842, where he improved the design and established a company to manufacture them. In 1843, Case moved the business to Racine, Wisconsin, in order to have better access to water power, and opened the Racine Threshing Machine Works. In 1863, Case partnered with three of his top employees, Massena Erskine, Robert Baker and Stephen Bull. Case was also involved in politics and horse racing. Over time, the company grew.

International Harvester

Before I talk about how these two brands merged I have to tell you all how International Harvester started. I also have a IH which is short for International Harvester.

The International Harvester Company (often abbreviated by IHC or IH, or shortened to International) was an American manufacturer formed from the 1902 merger of McCormick Harvesting Machine Company and Deering Harvester Company. The business lines of the company included agricultural equipment, automobiles, commercial trucks, lawn and garden products, household equipment, and other entities. Along with the Farmall and Cub Cadet tractors, International is also known for the Scout and Travelall vehicle nameplates. Following years of financial and economic decline, International began selling its separate equipment divisions, starting with the sale of the construction division to Dresser Industries in 1982. In November 1984 IH finalized a deal with Tenneco to sell the farm equipment division to its subsidiary, J.I Case. Henceforth IH became a truck and engine manufacturer, reorganized as Navistar International in 1986. Throughout its existence International Harvester was headquartered in Chicago, Illinois (and Navistar remained through 2000).

Then Case and International merged. On November 23, 1984, the deal was finalized. Almost three months later, during February 1985, the transaction was completed.

Then Ford came who made tractors. After New Holland came next Ford bought New Holland and let go the Ford brand. then Case IH bought New Holland. Next Ford decided to make tractors again and they called them Ford Versatile. And I have one.

Then Versatile bought itself out of Ford then Versatile became its own company.

And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed!

Jake essay ideas Tractors!

Tractors Getting Stuck!

Hello! Since I have time to burn today which I haven’t had in awhile I will post some pictures of tractors getting stuck!

And that’s it for now!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 5 L45

Hello! Today in my first day of art science I learned many things about Christians religion like Jesus’s last dinner. Another interesting artist I learned about is Thomas Cole.

Here is a little something on him.
Thomas Cole (February 1, 1801 – February 11, 1848) was an English-born American painter known for his landscape and history paintings. One of the major 19th-century American painters, he is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School, an American art movement that flourished in the mid-19th century.

I also watched some doodling videos and Olivia participated along me as I did two pages of doodles and got a bloody nose.

I’ really worried about art because my hands are very shaky but when I went to real school it actually went pretty good I won the Schoolbord grade 3, 4, and 5. Also in the grade 4 coloring contest I won in the School board region for grade 4,ers. and in grade 2, 3 and 5 I won the easter drawing contest for my class. In my grade five win I got some pastels but I let Olivia use them since she is the artist girl.

Here is one of my drawings from grade 4.

This is the won where I won school board region I think the only reason I won that year was because the school board was late to accept drawings and the two girls who normally win the best province drawing must of braught theres home to show to their parents and where too slow to get it back to School on time.

And that is it on this essay!

History Schoolwork

RPC History 4 Lesson 70

Hello! Here is my assignment from Mr.Livingston! Summarize each of the inventions you studied this week and how they impacted history. Also, explain the most interesting thing you learned this week, and why.

I learned about the Spectacles, mechanical clocks, paper mills, and Robert Grosseteste.

Spectacles. The first inventor of wearable glasses is unknown. However, the Romans first discovered the ability to use to glass to enhance their ability to see small text, creating small magnifying glasses with spheres. The first wearable glasses known to history appeared in Italy during the 13th century which were known as spectacles which also mean crowd in french.

The Mechanical Clock. The first mechanical clocks, employing the verge escapement mechanism with a foliot or balance wheel timekeeper, were invented in Europe at around the start of the 14th century, and became the standard timekeeping device until the pendulum clock was invented in 1656. Which I thought would of been way older than that.

Paper Mills. A paper mill is a factory devoted to making paper from vegetable fibres such as wood pulp, old rags, and other ingredients. Prior to the invention and adoption of the Fourdrinier machine and other types of paper machine that use an endless belt, all paper in a paper mill was made by hand, one sheet at a time, by specialized laborers.

Robert Grosseteste. Grosseteste was born into a humble Anglo-Norman family in the county of Suffolk in England. He first appears in the historical record as a witness to a charter of the Bishop of Lincoln, written between 1189 and 1192. His title of master of arts indicates that he had acquired sufficient learning to be entitled to teach. And know I ask myself another question. Did the sheep breed Suffolk get named after the county of suffolk?

And that’s it!