
Bodychecking will not be allowed in upcoming Ontario Hockey League season — ProHockeyTalk | NBC Sports

The Ontario Hockey League is hoping to start a shortened season on February 4 and will not be allowing bodychecking.

Bodychecking will not be allowed in upcoming Ontario Hockey League season — ProHockeyTalk | NBC Sports

How is this even hockey!?!?!? If there gonna let the kids play hockey why not bodycheck? This is one of the most important parts of hockey! I bet you there will be more fist fights because players won’t be able to let out there stress by body checking someone.

I normally go to watch Sudbury Wolves games with my pepere which is grandpa in french. I bet you it won’t be as fun anymore especially since Quinton Byfield got drafted into the NHL by LA plus no body checking that’s just sad, very sad. It’s sort of a good thing that he got drafted into the NHL and probably won’t be coming back because he is a very physical player and the NHL allows body checks which is good.

But I am telling you right know that if the OHL wonders why they are getting so many fights I’ll be the saying told you it was a bad idea. Because more players get injured during fights than when body checking.

But don’t thank me. Thank my dad because he is the reason I know things like this.

English Schoolwork

RPC english 5 Lesson 90

Hello! As a job from Mrs.Fish I am going to do the following:

Writing Assignment: Write a final draft of your essay on the following topic: What do you think would be a really cool invention?

So here is my final draft!

really cool invention would be a shrinking machine so then we could build 1/64 scale tractors as toys in normal scale then in 1/64 scale we could buy almost any tractor for ten dollars! But if you had to make a living off of 1/64 scale farming to get one bushel of soybeans you’d need about 1 million acres in 1/64 scale or something like that or you grow a really high volume of crops in one field or you grow very valuable or expensive crops.

With a shrinking machine humans would be able to see higher details on worms, ants, and all sorts of little things that are hard to observe! And while you’re not cutting lawn you could shrink down and your backyard could be a jungle! Or you could make sand castles at normal scale then shrink down to whatever scale you made your sand castle at and then you could play in it, or even live in it!

Another benefit would be the government would take less land away from farmers and etc. So then instead of taking 200 acres to make a 2,000 population down you could take one acre and have even more people living in it! but of course you would put a fence around so people that are in normal scale or vehicles don’t run your home and family over.

One more benefit is that you could build a lego house and live in it!

What I find is one of the top three benefits is that the homeless will be able to afford mini houses so they can live in them!

Another great benefit would be if we made mini cars it would make less pollution and the government would not have to cut your into two chunks 50 feet apart.

And one last fun benefit is when you’re typing on a computer you can scale down and jump on the keys and then you’d get schoolwork done and have fun like if you were on a trampoline at the same time!


RPC Science 5 Lesson 140

Hello! As an essay from MR.Dignam on science I will write about what I learned this week, and give a little piece of my story that I’m hoping to finish my rough draft of it today. So here’s my work! I learned that you should not start a sentence with the same word over and over again because first of all that’s not proper grammar second of all it gets a little annoying in my opinion. Here is a little bit of my story:

The mega farm

The Big Bud 16V 747 Tractor | Octane Press

Once upon a time in a far far far far far very far away land there was a twelve year old boy named Jake Lewington whom wanted the world’s largest farm. One day he was scratching a lottery ticket for his mom and the deal was if he won the 3 trillion dollar jackpot with the card he picked he would be able to keep half of the money….. Then one day as Jake was scratching a ticket and got three 7’s in a row as he scratched the last circle he was very nervous and excited because at the time there was a 75%  chance of winning then he got the whole family to watch him scratch the last circle then…..

I like the strategy tv show producers use where you have to watch the next episode to see what happens! I think that’s a really good strategy because it encourages you to watch the next episodes or season. Know just so you know I am not allowed to scratch scratch tickets because it’s illegal to buy them if your under 18 years old but in the story it is legal. And that’s it hope you enjoyed!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 5 Lesson 135

Hello! Today mr.Dignam would like me to write about what I learned this week, here it is!

So first of all I learned that in many movies there are made up stories it is important that it makes sense and that there are the least grammar mistakes possible because if not the story will be very hard to tell.

Mr.Dignam wants me to come up with a story and I am going to call my story the mega farm. I is based in a fictional land and the farm has 200 million acres and is the world’s largest farm.

I’m probably going to start with the classical story beginning.

Once upon a time…

I will probably put a Big Bud 747 as my main picture on the story.

That’s the end!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 5 Lesson 130

Hello! As an assignment from Mr.Dignam I will let you know what I learned!

So here it is:

First of all I learned how to use the Macro lens, zooms lens, normal lens. I also learned that know if I ever lose my job or want a side business I can be a photographer! But i’d prefer to be a farmer my whole life, and if I lose my farm I’ll work for dad or anyone else who needs a farm hand or mechanic!

I also learned that lighting is one of the most important parts of photography. Without the right amount of light your images could be blurry or you would not even be able to see anything!

And since I’m done this semester here is some pictures I took for this semester.

Aaaaaand that’s it!

Schoolwork Science

RPC SCIENCE 5 Lesson 125

Hello! Today in science this week MR.Dignam thought me several things here’s the essay!

So first this week I learned better how lenses adjust, for example most lenses turn to adjust their quality or visibility.

Or one lens called the Macro lens only comes into focus within 15 millimeters of the subject. Here’s an example of a lego guy:

I still have some tinkering to do with the lens attachment so that it comes in focus better. Here is a picture of my great grandpa’s potato digger taken from the front door of the house with my lens attachment.

It works good for zooming in but even at the lowest zoom in setting the quality is terrible compared to my phone without any attachments.

Here the normal version of the picture.

I also discovered that you can make or buy a piece for a camera that blocks the flash so if you’re taking a picture of a bug it does not take off right away.

Then I have not figured out the Fisheye lens yet because it’s like a 360 view lens.

One thing I learned is that it’s very important to clean your lens because the reason my phone’s picture quality when really down quickly was because it was dirty.

That’s it hope you enjoyed!

English Schoolwork

RPC English 5 Lesson 85

Hello! Here is what mrs.Fish wanted me to do: Writing Assignment: Write one paragraph on the following topic: What do you think would be a really cool invention?

So here it is:

A really cool invention would be a shringking machine so then we could built 1/64 scale tractors as toys in normal scale then in 1/64 scale we could buy almost any tractor for ten dollars! But if you had to make a living off of 1/64 scale farming to get one bushel of soybeans youd need 1 million acres in 1/64 scale or something like that or you grow really high volume of crops in one field or you grow very valuable or expensive crops.

With a shrinking machine humans would be able to see higher details on worms, ants, and all sorts of little thing that are hard to observe! And while your not cutting lawn you could shrink down and you backyard could be a jungle! Or you could make sand castles at normal scale then shrink down to whatever scale you made your sand castle at and then you could play in it, or even live in it!

Another benefit would be the government would take less land away from farmers and etc. So then instead of taking 200 acres to make a 2,000 population down you could take one acre and have even more people living in it! but of course you would put a fence around so people that are in normal scale or vehicles don’t run your home and family over.

One more benefits is that you could build a lego house and live in it!

What I find is one of the top three benefits is that the homeless will be able to afford mini houses so they can live in them!

Another great benefit would be if we made mini cars it would make less pollution and the government would not have to cut your into two chunks 50 feet apart.

And one last fun benefits is when your typing on a computer you can scale down and jump on the keys and then you’d get schoolwork done and have fun like if you were on a trampoline at the same time!

That’s it hope you enjoyed!

English Schoolwork


Hello! Here is my job for today from MSR.Fish!

Writing Assignment: Write a final draft of your essay on the following topic: What is your favorite way to learn and do schoolwork?

So here it is:

My most favorite way to do schoolwork would be when I am writing essays and my music is cranked up really loud. Because I love my music especially when it’s one of most favorite songs. I also enjoy writing my essays because I enjoy typing because it’s sort of like exercise for my fingers for when I’m doing math because I have to write with a pencil. Math is my least favorite subject thought. Another reason I enjoy doing schoolwork with music on is because for some reason it makes me concentrate better which is sort of weird. But I find doing the essays is much easier than the rest of the work. I also like doing my schoolwork with something or someone working or just sitting beside me like when the cat jumps on my lap to come get some attention or when the dogs come to sit besides me when there is a thunderstorm or sometimes they too are just looking for attention. I also enjoy it when my sisters work besides me. Sometimes we tease each other about our spelling mistakes or we get distracted and start arm wrestling but the armwrestling never slowed us down.

Another way I enjoy doing my schoolwork is when I do it in front of the fire place during the winter. Or just doing schoolwork outside.

But my most favorite part of RPC is that I get to interact with other students which I find is fun. I remember once when I was doing schoolwork towards the starting of summer vacation there was a horse that had got out and was walking along the highway which is the road our home is on. Then me and dad took the quad along the highway until we were out of our property and walked to catch the horse yet we did not. The our neighbor Pete just happened to be going by and sometimes people call him a horse whisperer or tractor Pete. Then Pete got the horse and brought it too our place and we tied it with a rope to an old fence post then we called to owner because it was one of my school buddies grandpa’s horse so then they came to get it. I’m not sure what gender the horse was. My sister olivia is the family horse fan and she was being homeschooled she would of been able to see the horse! But it’s her problem she did not want to be homeschooled then! Now she thought.

I also doing my schoolwork in the tractor when dad is planting, cutting or bailing hay. I also enjoy doing schoolwork in the truck when were going on trips like to get our ram Dodge.

Another thing I like about going on trips is I get to see a lot of cool tractors like this Deutz D62-07!

So that’s it! Hope you enjoyed!

Jake essay ideas Tractors!

My 1/64 Scale Tractor Display

Hello! here is just a little something I thought you guys may like!

Here is a very good picture of a 1/64 scale tractor I have on a display I made and no they are not toys.

In this picture I’m focusing on the CASE INTERNATIONAL 7210 hooked up to aa John Deere 568 Bailer.

I was supposed to make a homemade lens for my phone but we need to order the actual lens part on Amazon so it will probably be another week before I can build it then i’ll have even better focused pictures!

Here are some pictures of my display.

This one is my INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 1066 with the slightly newer version of our No-Till seed drill I customized.

This is my INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 966 with a John Deere 876 manure spreader.

Then here is a John Deere 4440 I customly weathered which means I made it look older behind it is Challenger/Heston PTD12 Discbine I made it get stuck in the driveway. FYI I used to be a John Deere fan so that’s why I have so many John Deere things. But let’s not talk about JD.

This picture is of a CATERPILLAR Challenger 45 hooked up to a older John Deere grain cart that I’m planning on whitering sometime in the winter.

Then this is my Massey Ferguson 3140 getting ready to pull out the John Deere.

This is my John Deere 630 hooked up to a sidewinder rake. I also have a John Deere 430 on display but it’s more like a decoration for the front of the highway.

Now once where done renovating my bedroom we are going to make a giant display that’s gonna be at least 5 feet wide and ten feet long!

And that’s it hope you enjoyed!

Schoolwork Science

RPC Science 5 Lesson 120

Hello! Sorry about the confusion yesterday’s essay was actually lesson 115 but it’s fixed now! Today Mr.Dignam wants me write about what I learned in science these five lessons.

So here it is:

I learned how to focus on my subject of a picture with my phone like I took a picture of a corn kernel that was slightly sprouted. Since my phone is a Apple 7S the focusing lens is slightly better than the 6S lens which is what the guy who was teaching me in the video had.

The main difference in the 6S and 7S is that the 7S has more space, two lenses, and last but not least the weight is different. I also learned that getting a bigger more expensive camera is sometimes are a better idea if you taking pictures of fast moving things like trucks.

I then learned that photography is harder than it looks so know I have more respect for the photographers that make a living of of this art.

I also discovered that lightning is very important because if the lighting is wrong with an iphone you can’t adjust the lighting much.

And that’s it hope you enjoyed!